Saturday, 8 April 2017

Luther Marsh and Nikon Coolpix P900 Test Run

It has been far too long since my last blog post, but March was a crazy busy month.  I am hoping that April is a bit more "normal".  Anyways, I recently purchased a new camera, the Nikon Coolpix P900.  I have had just about every type of camera you can think of: point and shoots, film SLRs and digital SLRs, and was anxious to see how this one stacked up.  If you are familiar with this camera, you know why I bought it...the enormous telephoto lens!  It has an optical zoom of 83X, an equivalent of up to 2000mm!  The camera itself is pretty enormous and I anticipate this will be mostly a car camera, and I will still carry my HX50 in my pocket everywhere.

Below are a few long range shots that I got.  I was really impressed with the quality of the images at such a long range and handheld!

The shot below wasn't half bad considering these ducks were pretty much across the lake!  Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck and Lesser Scaup.

I like the shot below.  It was pretty far out, and I just caught the heads of the male and female Mallard in the foreground, with the male Northern Shoveller in the background!

Some of the thousands of ducks that I flushed by accident from a puddle out in a field, I wish I was more careful and could have scoped through them while they were sitting.

We had fun watching these Sandhill Cranes.  I was pretty happy with these photos considering they were quite far into the field.

I can always count on seeing a few Trumpeter Swans at Luther Marsh at this time of year.  Two pairs were present in the pond.

A long range shot of Cait coming down from the viewing gallery, quite a ways away.  This is the perfect paparazzi camera!

One of the nice things about having a new camera is you end up taking lots more pictures! So I expect to post more regularly in the near future!

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