Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Algonquin Park 2021

I got away for a short trip with the family up to Algonquin Park for the annual canoe trip.  The crazy amount of bookings meant that we were restricted in what was available in the backcountry in terms of sites, and so we ended up spending all 3 nights on Burnt Island Lake.  Not a bad place to be! It is a beautiful lake, and we had a great time.  The weather was pretty good for the most part, with some heavy rain in the evenings a couple of nights.  It was overcast most of the time, which hampered my efforts at any astrophotography, although I did get one small break in the clouds.

This trip was really a good test for the 16mm 1.4, and it performed very well!  Below are a few shots, some of which were also taken with my 100-400mm telephoto.

Everyone had fun and we can't wait until the next time we get out to enjoy the park.

Paul's little dog Suri came along to keep us company.  What she lacks in stature she makes up for in her adventurous nature! She loved exploring, swimming, and sniffing around.

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Amanita mushroom of some sort

On our last night we were visited by the largest Snapping Turtle that I can remember ever seeing.  I estimate it was around a metre from tail to snout! 

The only ungulate we had on the trip was this lone doe.  Sadly, no moose this time!