While doing a bird survey for work I came across this sleepy raccoon, it didn't wake up and kept on sleeping the morning away!
I saw my first Rose-breasted Grosbeaks of the year on Thursday.
White-crowned Sparrows were ubiquitous.
House Wrens could be heard belting out their bubbly calls at every turn.
This Turkey Vulture was content to pose for a few photos.
I saw my first "real" warblers of the year, including this Black-throated Green Warbler
Palm Warblers were present in good numbers.
I bumped into Brandon and Barb at Long Point. They didn't refind the Blue Grosbeak or Kentucky Warbler for me that they had earlier in the morning, but Brandon did snap this pic of these Brown-headed Cowbirds for me haha.
My first Warbling Vireo of 2017
Common Loons were on the move on Thursday, I had several dozen fly over near the lakeshore.

One more week of work before migration freedom! I will be at Point Pelee National Park from Friday (May 5) to Wednesday morning (May 10) before heading over to Pelee Island for a few days! I can't wait!