I unfortunately have not had much time to enjoy birding or nature much this fall due to a very heavy work schedule combined with the sale and purchase of our house in Fergus (I am staying in Fergus). However, I decided to head over to Guelph Lake this afternoon since I had heard that there were 4 Brant reported yesterday. I scanned the shoreline for about 15 minutes with no luck. After leaving and wandering around the trails for a bit, I returned to the parking lot and saw Elaine and Ethan Gosnell who tipped me off that the birds were back! I'm not sure where they were hiding, but I went back out to the beach and there they were in plain view.
I was on my way out when I came across a large mixed flock of sparrows and other passerines foraging along the roadway. I stopped and had a great time enjoying the variety and abundance of songbirds present. The highlight was probably the lone Orange-crowned Warbler I found.
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Field Sparrow |
Orange-crowned Warbler |
The White-crowns seemed to enjoy foraging around my car. |
A great day to be out enjoying the fall colours and some good birds too!