Monday, 30 May 2016

Bruce Peninsula Big Day 2016

Saturday was the annual NRSI Bruce Peninsula Big Day where a group of us try to see as many birds on the Bruce Peninsula area as possible from pre-dawn until dusk.  We started at Macgregor Point Provincial Park and worked our way right up to Tobermory.  Overall, we found the day started out slowly, with many of the warblers not making an appearance.  Hence, our overall total was lower than the last time I did it when we had 143, but we still finished with a respectable 134.5 species (I added the 0.5 since we had 1 hybrid duck - Mallard x Pintail).  The highlight for me was definitely hearing the Least Bittern calling at the Ducks Unlimited Pond!  Songbird photography is getting progressively harder as the leaves start to fill out, but below are a few shots I was able to get from the day.

We tracked down both Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warbler. I have seen both species singing each others songs, and I can't in good conscience call it one or the other without visual confirmation.
Golden-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler.  Would be a great shot except for that branch!
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Indigo Bunting
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-headed Woodpecker
Sedge Wren - as the light was fading
Sandhill Crane
American Bittern hiding in the grass.
Upland Sandpiper
Once again we saw the Endangered Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach.  These exclosures have been put up to keep people from trampling the nests and scaring the birds away.  You can see the exclosure fencing that covers the nest and keeps raccoons and other nasties from eating the eggs.  An adult was sitting right on the nest.

The gang at Malcolm Bluffs
Malcolm Bluffs overlook
Black Creek Provincial Park
Next week Caitlyn and I are up on the Bruce again where I will be leading a guided hike for the Huron Fringe Birding Festival on birds and bugs.  It should be a good time as long as the weather cooperates!


  1. The Bruce Peninsula is a great place for birding. I did a Big Day once up there and there were certainly many places to check out.
