For the past few days, a blue morph Snow Goose has been reported from the Grand River just outside of Fergus. I tried to find this bird on 2 separate outings on Saturday and Sunday but came up empty handed! Today I was able to leave work a little bit early and I swung by the river for another try. Almost as soon as I arrived I saw the bird sitting among a large group of Canada Geese in the water. I snapped a few shots but wasn't really happy with them so I followed a fishing trail down to the rivers edge through the brush. From a good vantage point along the river shoreline I was able to get a few shots that I was quite happy with. My little point and shoot Sony HX50 continues to surprise me (am I right Pat?)! These shots were the perfect compromise between getting too close and scaring the bird vs. being too far away and getting poor photos. Because I realize that these photos are more for documentation as opposed to winning awards, I always avoid stressing a bird by staying a fair distance away.
Despite my noble intentions, nature did not return the favour, and on the way out I snagged my favourite Marmot down coat on a buckthorn and tore it wide open with feathers spilling out! One more reason why this invasive species should burn (the buckthorn not the goose)!
Blue Morph Snow Goose. Note the slate coloured breast for which this type gets its name |
Can't be happier with the camera, and I definitely feel your distaste for buckthorn.