While in Niagara, I did the usual circuit of the river, focusing on trying to find the Black-legged Kittiwake that has been seen at the Whirlpool and other spots occasionally the last little while. I checked the Whirlpool once in the late morning without success on Boxing Day, and then went back that same day on a hunch that it would eventually show up. My persistence was rewarded, and I spotted the familiar field marks - black 'M' shaped wing markings, black collar and slightly larger size to the surrounding Bonaparte's Gulls. I found it while it was still sitting on the water! I even managed to get a photo of it among the Bonaparte's Gulls!
Black-legged Kittiwake- the best I could do with my point and shoot from way up above the Whirlpool! |
Can you spot the kittiwake among the flock? Where is Waldo?
Note the slightly larger size, heavy bill, black collar and dark wing markings |
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