Point Pelee
Northern Parula |
Black-and-white Warbler |
Yellow-throated Vireo |
Blue-winged Warbler |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (messy eater) |
American Avocet |
Pine Warbler |
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
Kentucky Warbler |
Eastern Kingbird |
Red morph Eastern Screech Owl |
Sora |
Hooded Warbler |
Cape May Warbler |
Kirtland's Warbler |
Long-eared Owl |
Prairie Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler on our deck! |
White-eyed Vireo |
The tip! The southern most tip of mainland Canada |
The iconic Serengeti tree! |
Prickly Pear Cactus |
I really like birding Point Pelee, but I LOVE birding Pelee Island. You may end up seeing more at the point since there are hundreds (thousands?) of birders helping you in the scavenger hunt, but on the island there are very few birders, and it has a much more relaxed feeling...and the birding is awesome! Our group had a fantastic time scouring our favourite spots for rarities and came up with some great sightings including Cattle Egret and the first island record of White-winged Dove! The rest of the crew also had a Yellow-throated Warbler today after I left!
Red-headed Woodpecker |
Scarlet Tanager |
Black-billed Cuckoo |
Eastern Bluebird |
Cattle Egret |
White-winged Dove |
Although I am a bit sad to leave Pelee for May, I know there is lots of great spring birding ahead! Next weekend I am down on Amherst Island for my annual big day!
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