Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Dickcissel's Galore!

The last couple of weeks has seen an influx of Dickcissels.  This is a mid-western species that favours brushy, shrubby fields that are a little bit overgrown.  After our last heat wave they started showing up in abundance, possibly related to dry conditions further south.  

The individual below is one of 3 we saw at Camper's Cove this morning.  Although this one lacks the black throat, I can't help but wonder if this is a young male due to the bright rufous wing patches and because it was actively singing.  Anyone know?


Dickcissels also showed up in Waterloo Region, and at lunch, Ken and I nipped out to check if they were still there.  We quickly heard their distinctive sound.  I was able to get a few photos of this male.


  1. I find some Dickcissels are quite variable, possibly due to age. Some males show little of the black bib.

  2. Thanks Blake, I don't have a ton of experience with the species, seeing it only occasionally. Thanks for the info.
