This weekend I was taking a more relaxed pace, not focusing on birds specifically. However, I kept hearing about the awesome birds being seen in the GTA on Saturday, and I decided to make a quick trip to see if I could see any of them yesterday.
Cait and I started out at High Park to see if we could find the male Blue Grosbeak. We searched with many others for over an hour, and I had given up and was on my way out when I spotted it sitting at the top of a short tree! I called over the other birders, the first of which turned out to be long lost friend Kyle Holloway!
The Blue of the bird did not turn out in the backlit photos, and the bird appears blackish. The wing bars were also hard to see at first, but the massive size of the bird and beak relative to a bunting was apparent from the get go.
Blue Grosbeak |
Blue Grosbeak |
The other treat of the day was a Connecticut Warbler in Marie Curtis Park that was found earlier in the day by other birders. Fortunately there was someone present who had already tracked this bird down and I got several decent looks at it before it scuttled away. No photos unfortunately!
Last week I was down near Erieau and stopped at the marina and pier. Nothing rare, but I had a great chance to photograph a few shorebirds at close range. The birds were busy picking bugs off the concrete. If you look closely you can see some of them in the photos.
Ruddy Turnstone (back) and Semi-palmated Sandpiper |
Semi-palmated Sandpipers |
Semi-palmated Sandpipers |
Dunlin |
Dunlin |
Sanderling |
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