This weekend I went home to Stevensville with Caitlyn to visit family and had a great time! I spent a great deal of Saturday morning and afternoon birding the Niagara River from Fort Erie up to around Queenston. I was having a pretty good day with good numbers of ducks and gulls including an adult Little Gull at Adam Beck with several hundred Bonaparte's Gulls. At that point I got Ken's text that a Yellow-throated Warbler had been found by Barb Charlton at the foot of Kraft Road in Fort Erie, a spot I check for birds occasionally when I am down. I jumped on the QEW and made tracks to the location and searched with several other local birders for nearly an hour. We were just about to leave when I spotted the bird among a flock of juncos close to the water! I was able to get a few record shots with my trusty point and shoot.
Yellow-throated Warbler |
Several other highlights of the day included this adult Peregrine Falcon that I spooked from a tree along the river. The bird then flew to and perched on the rail bridge where I snapped a few shots.
Peregrine Falcon |
I saw several Bald Eagles, which are common along the river and lake, especially at this time of the year. This adult bird was flying really low along the surface and I thought for sure it was going to try to grab for one of the Bufflehead, but it kept right on going.
Bald Eagle |
The Bufflehead were the most abundant duck on the river by far. They could be found all over the place, often in huge rafts like this one.
Bufflehead |
Bonaparte's Gulls were found in good numbers but have still not built up too much. I expect there will be lots more coming to the river in the next few weeks.
Bonaparte's Gulls |
This morning, I checked the river quickly and then drove through Fort Erie to see if I could find any Fish Crows! This has been a great spot to find them the past few years. On Bowen Road I saw a large flock of crows and stopped to listen. Sure enough, I quickly heard the nasal calls of at least one far out in a field. Unfortunately it was too far away to photograph or videotape.
There is a Fish Crow in there somewhere! |
I've said it before and I will say it again, the Niagara River always delivers some surprise!
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