Saturday, 14 December 2013


I was in Sarnia today at a job site and had time to snag a few cool birds on site including:
-2 Bald Eagle
-2 Cooper's Hawk (one of which put on a show hunting juncos)
-1 Rough-legged Hawk (Dark Morph)
-1 Merlin that dove on a small songbird.
-Red-bellied Woodpecker
-Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (rare for this time of the year)

High flying adult bald eagle.  All the raptors we saw were heading south along the lakeshore.

Red-bellied Woodpecker

The adult cooper's hawk that dove on a small songbird (probably a junco), couldnt quite catch it.  I think this guy is a male.  He had  brownish "hands" contrasting with the grayish colour of the the rest of the wing, indicative of a male.

And a beautiful male cardinal for good measure!

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