I have returned from Essex County where I was doing some fieldwork on amphibians and, between field surveys, I was able to do a bit of birding near Point Pelee National Park with Chris. We were rewarded with a few good sightings. Hillman Marsh was great and we quickly found the American Avocet that were reported here! These are absolutely beautiful birds; elegant and graceful, they look supremely delicate. They use their long, curiously shaped bills to capture aquatic invertebrates. There were at least 15 at the Marsh when we arrived.
American Avocet |
American Avocet |
We stopped by Point Pelee National Park one day, but the park was really dead, with powerful west winds pushing most birds out of the area. We did, however, get great looks at a Louisiana Waterthrush and I snapped a few shots! This species is distinguished from the more common Northern Waterthrush by the overall whiter appearance (as opposed to yellowish), thin streaking and clean un-spotted throat. Despite the cold, I managed to up my Ontario year list to 145 species in 2015 so far!
Louisiana Waterthrush |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
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