Monday 24 November 2014

Random Stuff and Bird Photo Quiz

Well I have been very busy moving into the new condo this past week, so needless to say my posts have been few and far between (non-existent).  I am going through birding withdrawal.  On the way home from work today I spotted a Snow Goose out in a field with some Canada Geese.  It stuck out like a sore thumb and I pulled over to get some crappy record shots in the fading light.

I know what you're thinking, how was I able to capture an even worse shot of a snow goose?...pure skill

Just for fun I thought I would do a bird quiz with some of my less than optimal shots.  Feel free to guess in private or in the comments if you are brave enough.  Good luck!

Bird #1

Bird #2

Bird #3

Bird #4

Bird #5
Bird #6

Results will be revealed next posting.


  1. 1. Wilson's phalarope
    3. Bohemian waxwing
    4. Solitary sandpiper

    1. 1. Shorebird Sp.
      2. Golden Eagle
      3. Bohemian Waxwing
      4.Solitary Sandpiper
      5.Bald Eagle
      6.Canada Warbler
