I have been out and about a little bit this fall. A few of the highlights are below. I'm looking forward to some more outings in the near future!
One highlight was getting out to Long Point with my good friend Josh Boden on October 2nd. Although birds were few and far between, we did have some good stuff!
Peregrine Falcon |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Hudsonian Godwit |
Hudsonian Godwits |
Little Gull hiding amongst the Bonaparte's Gulls |
During Thanksgiving I zipped out to do a bit of birding as well. Great Egrets were feasting on fish in shawllow waters at Waverley Beach.
I enjoyed watching this Merlin chase Blue Jays.
The best bird of the trip was the long staying Black-bellied Whistling Duck at Dufferin Islands!
On my way down to Essex Region for work I swung by Keith Maclean CA and found one of the Nelson's Sparrows!
American Golden Plovers were everywhere down there, mostly preferring the cut soy fields.