Last week I was down in the Caribbean and visited a few islands, when I wasn't floating on a giant piece of garbage (a cruise ship) with my brother, sister and Caitlyn. Although I am starting to get sick of the Caribbean (imagine that), I still saw some cool things. The biggest nature surprise of the trip was walking through the pool area while on the boat at 11pm at night and spotting a Tennessee Warbler fly into some artificial flowers! Clearly a migrant that thought it quite nice to take a break on a cruise ship while island hopping way out in the Caribbean.
Our first stop was Grand Cayman, where it rained nearly the entire day.
Smooth-billed Ani |
White-winged Dove (On its way back to someones car in Rondeau?) |
Our next stop was in the Mayan Riviera to see the Chacchoban Ruins.
Chachobben Ruins in Mayan Riviera |
Bat Falcon was my highlight here, but I was also happy to see Keel-billed Toucan, Yellow-throated Warbler, White-eyed Vireo, Dusky-capped Flycatcher and several others.
Bat Falcon |
Baccalar Lagoon was quite scenic, highlights were the Ringed Kingfisher, lowlights were cutting my foot on a rock within 30 seconds of entering the water and tracking blood across the nicely kept dock.
Baccalar Lagoon |
Great Kiskadee |
Yellow-throated Euphonia |
Cozumel was a nice little island, we went to the south end of the island to a nature park and saw some cool stuff.
Bananaquit |
Roseate Spoonbill |
Gecko? species |
Highlights were the many egrets. Within this one swampy estuary I saw Snowy Egret, Great Egret, Reddish Egret, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Little Blue Heron, and Tri-colored Heron!
Reddish Egrets |
Clapper Rail |
American Crocodile |
Tropical Kingbird |